
Showing posts from December, 2018

Chapter 3 - Politics

Chapter 4 - Pensions

Chapter 5 - War

We will stop getting involved other wars. We will protect our home turf. We will bring the military home, get rid of the illegals, build the wall, and clean up our very own country. The military will help us rebuild our infrastructure. We will have multiple Special Force Teams of about 100 people. Ten to Twenty in the field, with about 80 or so supporting them with technology and information. They will perform special missions, like take out people who do need taking out, like Bin Laden, or Sadam Hussein. Minimal casualties, with maximum results. We will not build one billion dollar ships. We will not start a Space Force, but we will have space weapons. We won't have the most nukes, but we will be protected, and we will still protect certain allies. Probably our two neighbors first, Canada and Mexico. That is a must!

Chapter 2 - No Labels

We need to stop putting things into boxes. Defining them. Labeling them. They are black, white, red. They are man and woman. They are Republican and Democrat. They are fat, slim, tall and short. They are straight, and they are LGB,etc. Bottom line, we are HUMAN. Stop labeling things. Stop stereotyping. Stop racism. And more!

Chapter 7 - Religion

According to some estimates,there are roughly 4200 religions in the world.out of which CHRISTIANITY is the world's largest religion which is followed by ISLAM. So, are you gonna pick the biggest? Are you gonna pick out one of 4200? Is only one right? Or does each one have it's own merit? We all have our own perceptions of the Almighty. There are many definitions. I have always tried to believe that if I am overall good, and I do not hurt others, and I try to help others - I should be ok in the eyes of God. I know it is a lot more complex than that, but sometimes we need to break things down... simplify them as it were. And maybe start from there. The Bahá'í Faith (/bəˈhɑːiː, -ˈhaɪ/; Persian: بهائی‎ Bahā'i) is a religion teaching the essential worth of all religions, and the unity and equality of all people.[1] Established by Bahá'u'lláh in 1863, it initially grew in Iran and parts of the Middle East, where it has faced ongoing persecution since its

Chapter 6 - Climate and Going Green

One prescription pill bottle not placed in the curbside recycling bin won’t make much of a difference but Americans fill about 4 billion prescriptions every year. Couple that with the millions of over the counter medications sold annually and the value of recycling pill bottles is clear. It is idiotic to throw them away. One and done? BS!

Chapter 8 - Advertising and Marketing

This subject matter is evolving daily. Different forms and types of Marketing and Advertising. I say some day soon a lot of it will be gone... for good. GOOD! I used to love it, now I despise it. M N A try to program us to do what they want us to do, to become consumers, and buy their goods. If I want something, I will research it, then buy what I want. I will not M N A persuade me otherwise. I try not to be an impulse buyer. Impulse buying gets people into trouble! TV will no longer have commercials. People will pay for the shows they want to watch, not 289 channels of crap. And finally we won't have food commercials on all night long. I am so hungry when I go to bed. I am not even hungry, but I want a cheeseburger. Stop programming us to be fat consumers. Now let's talk about Juliet Schor's book, Born To Buy!

Chapter 1 - Introduction

This book is dedicated to mankind. I do not have all the answer. Not everyone will agree with me on all issues, but this is the beginning of something big I hope, and pray. I want to build an infrastructure for the future of man and Mother Earth. Bottom line, we need a plan. A very detailed plan. Then we all need to get on the same page and execute this plan. We have the knowledge. We have the resources. We only lack the direction and discipline to complete the plan. One by one, step by step - we can do it. We MUST do it! I thought about a subtitle of 'The First Prophet of the New Millenia', or 'Yes, I would make a Great President' - but this is NOT about me. I truly want to stress that. This is for America. If we can save America, then maybe we can save the planet? I sure hope so. So put your ego aside, and come on this journey with an open mind. Get rid of your prejudices, pride, ego, etc. Think about the greater cause, please!