Chapter 1 - Introduction

This book is dedicated to mankind. I do not have all the answer. Not everyone will agree with me on all issues, but this is the beginning of something big I hope, and pray. I want to build an infrastructure for the future of man and Mother Earth.

Bottom line, we need a plan. A very detailed plan. Then we all need to get on the same page and execute this plan. We have the knowledge. We have the resources. We only lack the direction and discipline to complete the plan. One by one, step by step - we can do it. We MUST do it!

I thought about a subtitle of 'The First Prophet of the New Millenia', or 'Yes, I would make a Great President' - but this is NOT about me. I truly want to stress that. This is for America. If we can save America, then maybe we can save the planet? I sure hope so. So put your ego aside, and come on this journey with an open mind. Get rid of your prejudices, pride, ego, etc. Think about the greater cause, please!


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